Aflatoxin B1 and clinoptilolite in feed for laying hens
2 min read
Ninety-six laying hens were allocated to four groups administered different diets (group 0-0 received a complete diet, group 0-AF received a diet supplemented with 2.5 ppm of aflatoxin B1 [AFB1], group 2-0 received a diet supplemented with 2% clinoptilolite [CPL], and group 2-AF received a diet supplemented with 2% CPL and 2.5 ppm of AFB1) for 4 weeks to evaluate the effect of AFBI and/or CPL on egg quality and the ability of CPL to interact with the oral administration of AFB1. The possible effects of AFB1 on cytochrome P450-dependent hepatic mixed-function oxygenase (MFO) activities were also evaluated.
Mycotoxin reduced yolk weight, while CPL influenced albumen percentage relative to that of eggs laid by chickens in group 0-AF Eggs laid by chickens in groups 0-AF and 2-AF had stronger shells and weighed less than the eggs of other groups. The eggs of treated groups were lighter in color than those of the control group (P < 0.01), and the tendency to yellowness in eggs was increased by CPL, probably through the affinity of red pigments for adsorbents and a consequent prevalence of yellow tonality. Color parameters might be connected with AFB1’s interference with lipid metabolism and pigment deposition.
The livers of hens in groups 0-AF and 2-AF showed very low mycotoxin concentrations that were significantly different (P < 0.01). The highest levels observed were those in the livers of the hens receiving the diet supplemented with the mycotoxin alone. AFB1 did not exert any significant effects on the hepatic MFO activities examined.